Privacy policy

Through this privacy policy, Navimask informs you that your personal data will be treated by the principles of transfer, purpose limitation, data minimisation, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality, as well as respecting the other obligations and guarantees set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals about the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

The information you provide through this website is protected under the terms of this Privacy Policy.

We recommend that you read the following carefully. If you have any questions after doing so, you can contact us by sending an email to

Ownership of treatment

The personal data collected through this site are incorporated into the automated files that Navimask has registered in the General Data Protection Register. ONTINET.COM, S.L.U. is the owner of the data collected.

The use of this website implies the acceptance of this Privacy Policy:

  • That the personal data you provide are truthful, being the only responsible for any damage or harm, direct or indirect, that could be caused to Ontinet as responsible for this website or to third parties, if you fill in any form with false data or data of third parties causing deception, damage or harm.

Declaration of regulatory compliance.

Ontinet shall be responsible for the processing of the personal data of customers according to the products and services they have contracted, except for those particularities that may be included in the conditions of the specific product or service:

  •,S.L.U., registered in the Mercantile Register of Valencia, Volume 6263, Book 3568, Folio 141, Section 8, Page V-64234, Inscription. 1º, with C.I.F. B-96840467 and address at Calle Martínez Valls, 56 Bajos 46870 Ontinyent (Valencia-Spain), e-mail: telephone: 962913348 (hereinafter, Ontinet).

Declares to respect the current Spanish and European legislation on Personal Data Protection, specifically, Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, and in accordance with the state of technology, the nature of the data and the risks to which they are exposed, declare to apply the appropriate technical and organisational measures to guarantee the confidentiality and privacy of the personal data collected on the website, having adopted security measures to prevent alteration, loss, unauthorised processing or access and to guarantee the integrity and security of the personal data.

They guarantee that the personal data of users/clients are processed in a lawful, fair and transparent manner, and that they have been collected with the consent of the user, having been informed of the purposes of the processing expressly indicated in this Privacy Policy.

Processing of personal data

All services incorporated in this website are under the control of Ontinet and are governed by this Privacy Policy, including those governed by specific Terms of use with data processing rules.

In general, you may use this website for informational purposes without providing personal information and inform Ontinet of who you are. On the other hand, some of our services need to collect more information:

  • Ontinet may collect personal information to communicate directly with you to respond to your enquiries and fulfill your requests.
  • If you are an end user of our products or services, the processing of your data is covered by the end user licence agreement or the specific Terms of Use and Privacy Policy relating to that product or service. The maximum storage period for billing data is determined by law and we are legally obliged to keep the data for a period of 10 years. Unlike billing data, we only store licence data for the period not exceeding 12 months from the expiry date of your licence, and statistics without the requirement of end user identification are processed for a period of 4 years.
  • If we have YOUR consent, we may use your data to administer marketing communication until you unsubscribe or send us a withdrawal of your consent.
  • Contact data and data contained in your support requests may be required for technical or other support provided by Ontinet. Depending on the channel you choose to contact us, we may collect data such as your email address, telephone number, licensing information, product data and description of your support case. We may ask you to provide additional information to facilitate the provision of support such as log or dump files. Support data may only be used for the provision of a support service and to enhance the customer experience while providing support. The maximum storage period shall be limited by the time required to provide and review support. Even in pseudo-anonymised format, it shall not exceed a period of 10 years.
  • Customer comments, responses or requests may be provided by you through our web forms. For follow-up purposes, your contact details, including email address or other data, may be requested depending on the nature or purpose of our communication. Data storage periods may differ depending on the nature or purpose of the communication explicitly in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
  • We try to do our best while helping you enjoy safer technology. Your feedback is valuable to us, and we have a variety of channels available to you to provide us with information about our products. The data and information you provide with your feedback will be stored in the public interest and in Ontinet's legitimate interest, which is cybersecurity.

Express consent

The express consent constitutes a legitimate basis for the processing that will allow Ontinet to process the following data for each of the purposes described below, after obtaining the corresponding authorisation from the customer or user as appropriate.

  1. To attend, by e-mail or telephone, to the queries made by customers or users through the different forms on the website, telephone or e-mail.
  2. Send information about updates and new documentation about our products.
  3. Send information about other computer security products distributed by Ontinet.
  4. Send commercial information and offers of all products and services marketed by Ontinet.

Consent of minors

Ontinet expressly prohibits minors who are under the minimum age legally provided for in the regulations in force to be able to consent to the processing of their personal data themselves, from providing them to Ontinet without the prior consent of their parents, guardians or legal representatives.

Ontinet shall ensure the appropriate use of the data of minors, guaranteeing respect for the laws applicable to them, with such measures as are reasonably appropriate. If the parents, guardians or legal representatives of these minors detect unauthorised data processing, they may submit their queries or complaints by writing to

Transfer of data to third parties

Ontinet informs you that your personal data will not be transferred to third parties or organisations, except when such transfer of data is covered by a legal obligation or when the provision of the service implies the need for a contractual relationship with service providers in charge of the processing. In the latter case, the transfer of data to the third party shall only take place when Ontinet has the express consent of the user and maintains a contractual relationship with the data processor that guarantees confidentiality and compliance.

If Ontinet is required by the competent authorities, they may communicate personal information in order to respond to legal requirements, criminal investigations of possible illegal activities or claims that content infringes the rights of third parties, or to protect the rights, property or security of third parties. In such cases, Ontinet may communicate to the competent authorities personal information such as first and last name, city or province, postal code, telephone number, e-mail address, user history and IP address.

If Ontinet is transferred, absorbed or merged with another entity, we undertake to agree to the subrogation and commitment of the new management entity responsible for the processing of personal data for the continuation of this Privacy Policy, noting the commitment that if the personal information will be used in a manner contrary to this policy must be notified to the user beforehand.


If you wish to obtain detailed information on how Ontinet uses cookies, you can consult here the Cookies Policy.

Blog and social networks

The data included in the form to make comments on the blog of this website may be read by third parties. Likewise, the name and other data that it reflects may be read when a comment is approved once it has been administered. If you make comments on our blogs, you assume the display of the comment and the data you use to assign it to the comment.

Ontinet actively works the channels in the various social networks with the main purpose of publishing and disseminating information about the services provided through the Navimask website and its various divisions, interacting with users and serving as a channel for attention and social interaction.

In the event that you access this website using an application that connects a social network with this website, you will be authorising the social network to share some data with Navimask and, for example, in the case of Twitter, your tweets published on this website may appear, with the inherent public data: Twitter user name, profile photo, text of the tweet retweeted by Navimask or with mention of Navimask or any of Ontinet's divisions, as the case may be. It is important for you to know that if you have geolocated your accounts on social networks, this information about your location when sharing on social networks will be visible to third parties with whom you share or who share your information.

For more information about the method by which data is shared with social networks, we recommend that you consult the privacy policies of each social network in question, as well as responsibly set up your profile on social network accounts and email applications to ensure your privacy and security.

Below, we link to some of the privacy policies of the social networks on which we currently have profiles:

Security Measures Applicable to Personal Data Processing


Ontinet is concerned to ensure the security, secrecy and confidentiality of your data, communications and personal information. Therefore, as part of our commitment and in compliance with current legislation, we have adopted the most stringent and robust security measures and technical means to prevent loss, misuse or unauthorised access.

When we receive customer data, we use rigorous procedures and security features to prevent unauthorised access.

The personal data that we may collect through the different communications that we maintain with you will be treated with absolute confidentiality, committing ourselves to keep it secret and guaranteeing our duty to protect it by adopting all necessary and reasonable measures to prevent its alteration, loss and unauthorised processing or access, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation.


Access: allows the data subject to obtain information on whether or not Ontinet is processing personal data concerning him/her and, if so, the right to obtain information on his/her personal data undergoing processing.

Rectification: allows you to correct errors and modify data that are inaccurate or incomplete.

Deletion: allows data to be deleted and no longer processed by Ontinet, unless there is a legal obligation to keep it or there are no other legitimate reasons for Ontinet to process it. For example, when personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected, you may request that we delete such data without undue delay.

Limitation: under the legally established conditions, allows the processing of data to be stopped, in such a way as to prevent future processing by Ontinet, which will only keep them for the exercise or defence of claims.

Opposition: in certain circumstances and for reasons relating to their particular situation, data subjects may object to the processing of their data. Ontinet will cease to process the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defence of possible claims.

Ontinet guarantees the adoption of the necessary measures to ensure the exercise of these rights free of charge, being necessary for such exercise that the user attaches a copy of his official identification document.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

These general terms and conditions shall be interpreted and governed in accordance with Spanish law, to which both parties expressly submit. If the regulations allow the parties to waive their own jurisdiction and submit to another, Ontinet and the user, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Ontinyent (Valencia).

Right to modify the Privacy Policy

Ontinet may modify this privacy policy at any time by publishing it on this website, which will always state the date of the last applicable update.

The Privacy Policy was last updated on 22 May 2023.  


ONTINET.COM SLU, has an Internal Information System, designed under the requirements of Law 2/2023, regulating the protection of people who report breaches of regulations and the fight against corruption.

This System is enabled to communicate, in a secure manner, infringements of European Union Law provided for in Article 2 of the aforementioned Law, serious or very serious criminal or administrative offences, as well as possible risks or breaches of other internal regulations.

ONTINET.COM SLU, assumes the commitment to protect the people who make these communications ensuring, at all times, diligent processing and respect for the following guarantees:

Confidentiality of all people involved in a communication, as well as of all actions carried out in its processing.

Absence of reprisals against persons communicating in good faith.

Anonymity, with no need to provide any kind of data aimed at identifying the informants.

Treatment of personal data in accordance with current legislation.

Right to the presumption of innocence and defense of the person affected by the communication.

The Internal Information System of ONTINET.COM SLU, is accessible on the home page of the corporate website and consists of the following elements:

This Internal Information System Policy.

Ethical Channel (preferred internal channel for these communications).

Other internal communication channels are defined in the Information Management Procedure.

Access to the external channel is managed by the Independent Authority.

Responsible for the Information System.

Information Management Procedure: which regulates, in detail, the operation of the System.